Amplify UI

Themeable, accessible components
Ready to connect to the cloud

Amplify UI is a collection of accessible, themeable, performant React (and more!) components that can connect directly to the cloud.

implementation 'com.amplifyframework.ui:liveness:1.2.6'

Better together with AWS Amplify

Build your application visually in Amplify Studio

Deploy and manage your app backend with a GraphQL API, User login, File storage and more in minutes. Start small and build to the full scale of AWS!
Learn more about Amplify Studio

Connect your UI to your backend with Amplify libraries.

Amplify Libraries offer an opinionated and declarative interfaces to connect to your backend. The libraries are pluggable and can be extended to use other providers.
Learn more about Amplify Libraries

Deploy your front-end in minutes with Amplify Hosting.

Fully managed web hosting with full-stack CI/CD. Amplify Hosting has support for common SPA and SSG frameworks like Next.js, Gatsby, and Eleventy.
Learn more about Amplify Hosting

Amplify open source software, documentation and community are supported by Amazon Web Services.

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