Migrate from 3.x to 4.x
Install the 4.x version of @aws-amplify/ui-vue
and 6.x version of aws-amplify
npm install @aws-amplify/ui-vue@4.x aws-amplify@6.x
yarn add @aws-amplify/ui-vue@4.x aws-amplify@6.x
1. Updates to the Authenticator
The Authenticator has the following breaking changes:
The initialState
property now accepts forgotPassword
in place of resetPassword
- <authenticator initial-state="resetPassword">
- </authenticator>
+ <authenticator initial-state="forgotPassword">
+ </authenticator>
The corresponding component slot has been updated to reflect the change as well:
- <template v-slot:reset-password-header>
- <h3
- class="amplify-heading"
- style="padding: var(--amplify-space-xl) 0 0 var(--amplify-space-xl)"
- >
- Did you forgot something?
- </h3>
- </template>
+ <template v-slot:forgot-password-header>
+ <h3
+ class="amplify-heading"
+ style="padding: var(--amplify-space-xl) 0 0 var(--amplify-space-xl)"
+ >
+ Did you forgot something?
+ </h3>
+ </template>
The user
object provided after an end user has been authenticated has been updated to reflect the AuthUser
interface available from aws-amplify/auth
- interface AmplifyUser {
- challengeName?: ChallengeName;
- attributes?: CognitoAttributes;
- username: string;
- }
+ interface AuthUser {
+ username: string;
+ userId: string;
+ signInDetails?: CognitoAuthSignInDetails;
+ }
can be imported from aws-amplify/auth
import { AuthUser } from 'aws-amplify/auth';
User attributes are now available by directly calling fetchUserAttributes
import { fetchUserAttributes } from 'aws-amplify/auth';
const userAttributes = await fetchUserAttributes();
2.x to 3.x
Install the 3.x version of the @aws-amplify/ui-vue
library and the 5.x version of the aws-amplify
npm install aws-amplify@5.x @aws-amplify/ui-vue@3.x
yarn add aws-amplify@5.x @aws-amplify/ui-vue@3.x
Update and usage
introduces the following breaking changes:
moves automatic signin on signup logic to aws-amplify
1. If you are overriding Auth.signUp
, update the override function call to include the autoSignIn
option set to enabled
. If this change is not made, users will not be automatically signed in on signup.
async handleSignUp(formData) {
let { username, password, attributes } = formData;
// custom username
username = username.toLowerCase();
attributes.email = attributes.email.toLowerCase();
return Auth.signUp({
+ autoSignIn: {
+ enabled: true
+ }
removes legacy i18n translation keys
2. @aws-amplify/ui-vue@3.x
replaces following legacy Authenticator texts:
Send Code
in reset password screen is replaced bySend code
.Forgot your password?
with the trailing space is replaced byForgot your password
If you were using I18n
to translate those keys, please update your translations accordingly to match the new strings.
1.x to 2.x
Install the 2.x version of the @aws-amplify/ui-vue
npm install aws-amplify @aws-amplify/ui-vue@2
yarn add aws-amplify @aws-amplify/ui-vue@2
If @aws-amplify/ui-components
is in your package.json
, please remove that
Update Main
Update the main.js file and remove the references to the older ui-components
library as see below:
- import {
- applyPolyfills,
- defineCustomElements,
- } from '@aws-amplify/ui-components/loader';
- applyPolyfills().then(() => {
- defineCustomElements(window);
- });
- const app = createApp(App);
- app.config.isCustomElement = tag => tag.startsWith('amplify-');
- app.mount('#app');
import App from "./App.vue";
import { Amplify } from 'aws-amplify';
import awsconfig from './aws-exports';
import { createApp } from 'vue';
+ import '@aws-amplify/ui-vue/styles.css';
Using the Authenticator
component is similar to the 1.x
Below is an example of how to create an Authenticator.
<script setup>
+ import { Authenticator } from '@aws-amplify/ui-vue';
- <amplify-authenticator>
- <div>
- My App
- <amplify-sign-out></amplify-sign-out>
- </div>
- </amplify-authenticator>
+ <authenticator>
+ <template v-slot="{ user, signOut }">
+ <h1>Hello {{ user.username }}!</h1>
+ <button @click="signOut">Sign Out</button>
+ </template>
+ </authenticator>
Breaking changes
The 2.x version of the Authenticator
component has several differences from earlier versions. Here are a few of the major changes that you'll need to look out for.
All the slot locations have changed with the 2.x version of the Authenticator
. To get a
sense of the changes please check out the Headers and Footers section.
Form Fields
The 2.x version of the Authenticator
has a different format for the formFields
prop. It also no longer accepts
nor hint
. Instead, it's recommended that you use the Headers and Footers Slots or use the
Sign Up Fields custimization. For more information on form field customizations
please see the Form Field Customization section.
CSS Styling
The 2.x version of the Authenticator
has a completely different set of CSS variables. Please look over the Amplify CSS Variables section for more information.
Previous versions of Authenticator
exposed a onAuthUIStateChange
handler to detect Auth state changes. For similar functionality see useAuthenticator.