Amplify UI


HighlightMatch is used to highlight a substring of a text.



Import the HighlightMatch primitive. Render the text as children of the HighlightMatch, then pass the word you want to highlight to the query prop.

This is the highlighted part.
import { HighlightMatch } from '@aws-amplify/ui-react';

export const HighlightMatchDefaultExample = () => {
  return (
    <HighlightMatch query="highlighted part">
      This is the highlighted part.

Note: The query for the text is case insensitive.


Target classes

amplify-highlightmatchTop level element that wraps the HighlightMatch primitive
amplify-highlightmatch__highlightedClass applied to the highlighted text of the HighlightMatch primitive
  • --amplify-components-highlightmatch-highlighted-font-weight

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