Amplify UI


Workarounds for common issues using Amplify UI.


Uncaught ReferenceError: global is not defined

Note: this issue was fixed in aws-amplify version 6

When working with a Astro project you must make a few modifications. Please follow the steps below.

1. Add the following script to the bottom of the index.astro file. This will only run on the client side and will polyfill Node globals.

<script> = window;
  window.process = {
    env: { DEBUG: undefined },
  } as unknown as NodeJS.Process;
  var exports = {};

2. Update the astro.config.mjs to add a resolve object inside the defineConfig({}) as seen below.

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [react()],
  resolve: {
      alias: [
        find: './runtimeConfig',
        replacement: './runtimeConfig.browser',

1. Add the following script to the bottom of the index.astro file. This will only run on the client side and will polyfill Node globals.

<script> = window;
  window.process = {
    env: { DEBUG: undefined },
  var exports = {};

2. Update the astro.config.mjs to add a resolve object inside the defineConfig({}) as seen below.

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [react()],
  resolve: {
      alias: [
        find: './runtimeConfig',
        replacement: './runtimeConfig.browser',

Create React App

CRA 4: Uncaught ReferenceError: g is not defined

When using Geo components and Create React App v4, users may experience the following error when rendering the <MapView> component in a production build:

Uncaught ReferenceError: g is not defined

The error is related to this maplibre-gl issue and surfaces due to the dropped support for Internet Explorer in maplibre-gl v2. To correct this error, you'll need to adjust your browser target for production to exclude Internet Explorer:

1. In your package.json file of your Create React App, adjust the browserslist.production block from:

"browserslist": {
  "production": [
    "not dead",
    "not op_mini all"

to the following:

"browserslist": {
  "production": [
    "not ie 11"

2. Rebuild your production application using npx run build.

3. Run your production build using a tool like serve (serve -s build) and verify the <MapView> component renders without error.

CRA 4: Can’t import the named export ‘Amplify’ from non EcmaScript module (only default export is available)

Create React App v4 is not officially supported by Amplify UI. When you use it, you may get the following error

 Can’t import the named export ‘Amplify’ from non EcmaScript module (only default export is available)

To resolve the error, you may either (1) upgrade to Create React App version 5 (Migration Guide), or (2) override the webpack config using tools like React App Rewired, Craco to add the following rule:

  module: {
    rules: [
        test: /\.mjs$/,
        include: /node_modules/,
        type: 'javascript/auto'


window.URL.createObjectURL is not a function

As of v2.15.0 of @aws-amplify/ui-react which included the release of Geo components, users of the Jest testing framework may run into the following error when attempting to run tests:

window.URL.createObjectURL is not a function

Please follow the steps below to resolve this issue.

1. Navigate to or create a Jest setup file for your project.

2. Add the following code to polyfill the unrecognized function in your Jest setup file:

if (typeof window.URL.createObjectURL === 'undefined') {
  window.URL.createObjectURL = jest.fn();

This is a known problem when using the jsdom library (a dependency of Jest) with a package that uses an unrecognized function. See this issue.


Next 13.4+: React Server Components

Next.js 13.4+ introduces App Router with the usage of Server Components. Amplify UI components are intended to be used on the client side. See here for solutions.

Next 13.4+: Module not found Errors

When you use Amplify with Next.js App Router, you will see the follow errors from aws-crt and encoding in the server terminal:

Module not found: Can't resolve 'encoding' in 'xxx'

Module not found: Can't resolve 'aws-crt' in 'xxx'

These errors will not affect the use and functionality of the client, nor will errors appear in the browser console. This is a known transitive issue when using the AWS SDK. The issue is currently tracked here.

Server-Side Rendering (SSR)

Attempted import error: 'useForm' is not exported from 'react-hook-form' (imported as 'useForm').

If you attempt to use Amplify with Server-side rendering (SSR), you may encounter the following error:

Attempted import error: 'useForm' is not exported from 'react-hook-form' (imported as 'useForm').

Amplify UI components are interactive and designed to work on the client side. To use them inside of Server Components, you must wrap them in a Client Component with the "use client" directive. For more information, see the Next.js documentation on how you could achieve this.


Uncaught ReferenceError: global is not defined

Note: this issue was fixed in aws-amplify version 6

When working with a Vite project you must make a few modifications. Please follow the steps below.

1. Add the following script tag to the index.html file right before the </body> tag. This will only run on the client side and will polyfill Node globals.

  <script> = window;
    window.process = {
      env: { DEBUG: undefined },
    var exports = {};

2. Update the vite.config.ts (or vite.config.js) and add a resolve alias inside the defineConfig({}) as seen below.

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [react()],
  resolve: {
      alias: [
        find: './runtimeConfig',
        replacement: './runtimeConfig.browser', // ensures browser compatible version of AWS JS SDK is used

3. (Optional) If you run into TypeScript errors importing aws-exports.js, you may need to update the tsconfig.json file with the following config and add a type declaration file:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "allowJs": true,

aws-exports.d.ts file:

declare const awsmobile: Record<string, any>
export default awsmobile;

1. Add the following script tag to the index.html file right before the </body> tag. This will only run on the client side and will polyfill Node globals.

  <script> = window;
    window.process = {
      env: { DEBUG: undefined },
    var exports = {};

2. Update the vite.config.ts (or vite.config.js) and add a resolve alias inside the defineConfig({}) as seen below.

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [react()],
  resolve: {
      alias: [
        find: './runtimeConfig',
        replacement: './runtimeConfig.browser', // ensures browser compatible version of AWS JS SDK is used

If you are still having issues, please see comments on the following issue for additional Vite workarounds. Note that there is active ongoing work to make these modifications unnecessary.


Webpack 5+: Uncaught ReferenceError: process is not defined

Note: this issue has been fixed in aws-amplify version 6. The polyfill is only required for projects that use aws-amplify version 5 (or earlier) with Webpack version 5 (or later).

Follow the instructions below if you are using Webpack 5:

  1. Add node-polyfill-webpack-plugin as dev dependency:
npm install node-polyfill-webpack-plugin -D
yarn add node-polyfill-webpack-plugin -D
  1. Add the plugin to your webpack.config.js plugins list:_
  plugins: [
    new NodePolyfillPlugin(), // Polyfill Node.js globals (e.g. global, process, etc)

Webpack 4: Can’t import the named export ‘Amplify’ from non EcmaScript module (only default export is available)

Follow here for solutions.

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